Поскольку времени клинически не хватает, подретушировал своё письмо copyright-holder'ам:
Dear AKKA/LAA representative,
I write to you in order to inform that the news segment of a Latvian informational system "e-klase"
violates copyright and "Terms and Conditions" of several companies and an individual that hold copying
rights of the materials that are publically avaliable in "e-klase" informational system. They do that openly
and in reckless fashion.
The list of parties that suffered from actions of the owner and author of "e-klase" infomational system,
SIA DEAC include (but not limited to):
1. The Guardian UK [1]
2. Mederith Media [2]
3. Mister Manfred Kloppert [3]
Please notice that DEAC uses "e-klase" not as non-profit informational system
hence, I encourage you to press charges. Filing C&D is absolute minimum though.
I also encourage you to proceed with the investigation of other copyright
infringements of DEAC SIA that should not be too difficult as they use pictures
found in the Internet as though the license of those is "Creative Commons/Share Alike".
[1]: Photo at
http://www.e-klase.lv/lv/raksts/zinas/p ... lpojumiem/[2]: Photo at
http://www.e-klase.lv/lv/zina/zinas/akt ... kusi-leni/[3]: Font at
http://www.e-klase.lv/static/dragon/fon ... egular.otfМожно добавить reference'ов и рассказать замечательную историю про то, как они аттрибутят сайты-аггрегаторы картинок.
Таким образом они умудряются воровать интеллектуальную собственность у воров интеллектуальной собственности!
Должно быть Кагис — фанат х/ф Inception.